Taranta Talk VITO MANCUSO: Preserving identity

10:00 P.M.

PINO INGROSSO in Canto Pasolini musical theater show

KALÀSCIMA with JOAO SILVA special guest

Music and more on Aug. 8 for the August 8 stop in Alessano, a historic stage of the traveling festival La Notte della Tranta, now in its 26th edition. Expected in addition to music, is the appointment, the first in the itinerant taranta talk program, with theologian Vito Mancuso. Identity is a primary need of every human being and cultivating it means being able to answer this decisive question: who am I? To whom do I belong? However, there are two ways of guarding identity, one of which is wrong and the other right. The right way is distinguished by its capacity for relationship and acceptance. The theme of identity that is the focus of this edition will be debated by the first guest of Taranta Talk, in Don Tonino Bello Square at 8:30 pm. Then it will be the turn of music with Pino Ingrosso in Canto Pasolini musical theater show and the Kalàscima, a formation well known now well beyond local borders, but "at home" in Alessano that for the occasion will perform with a special guest: Portuguese violinist Joao Silva.

These are the guests for the evening in the city of the prophet of peace, Don Tonino Bello and this is the program:

at 8:30 p.m. we start with Taranta Talk with Vito Mancuso in Custodizing Identity.

Identity is a primary need of every human being and cultivating it means being able to answer this decisive question: who am I? To whom do I belong? However, there are two ways of guarding identity, one of which is wrong and the other is right. The right way is distinguished by its capacity for relationship and acceptance. Vito Mancuso, a lay theologian and philosopher, earned the three degrees of theological training by obtaining his bachelor's degree in Milan, his licentiate in Naples and his doctorate in Rome with a thesis on Hegel. He has been a lecturer in Modern and Contemporary Theology at San Raffaele University in Milan and History of Theological Doctrines at the University of Padua. He is currently a lecturer at the Master of Meditation and Neuroscience at the University of Udine. He founded and directs the "Laboratory of Ethics" in Bologna. He is the author of numerous essays that have attracted considerable public attention on such topics as Hegel's philosophy, illness and pain, the nature of God, the soul, love, thought, freedom, beauty, the cardinal virtues, courage, fear, and the meaning of life. In a recent essay he presented in synopsis the figures of Socrates, Buddha, Confucius and Jesus. A monograph on him has been published in Germany (Essentials of Catholic Radicalism. An Introduction to the Lay Theology of Vito Mancuso, Frankfurt am Main 2011). His thought can be collectively defined as a "philosophy of relationship." A guest on several radio and television programs, he has collaborated with Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, Il Foglio. Since 2022 he has been a columnist for La Stampa.


From 10 p.m. kicking off with music:

Pino Ingrosso

Composer, musician and singer, known to the general public for having been the lead vocalist for Oscar winner Nicola Piovani for more than two decades, in this new musical theater work, he takes on, on the occasion of the centenary of his birth, the poetic work of a not "easy" Author: Pier Paolo Pasolini. The performance is based on the record of the same name, which contains an edited song written by Pasolini and Domenico Modugno and 11 poems by Pier Paolo Pasolini set to music by Pino Ingrosso. Ingrosso's compositions, lend gentleness and grace to even the starkest words redeeming any harshness of content: even the theme of death, which in Pasolini's verses is always lashing out, in Ingrosso's music becomes Serenade. An authentic declaration of love by the Lecce artist to this unparalleled and profound intellectual of the 20th century.


Kalàscima 2023

A group of musicians, who grew up together playing and singing the hypnotic melodies and rhythms of the magical ritual associated with tarantismo, reinvent the tradition with a mix achieved by mixing massive doses of electronics and lysergic beats with original melodies and the folk atmospheres of their origins. Salento dialect, Grico and English language create an imaginary bridge between Apulian music and the international scene. Kalàscima's live set is energetic and powerful and embraces typically traditional and rare instruments (bagpipes, ciaramella, launeddas, tambourine, accordion, irish bouzouki) to modern instruments (laptops, loop machines and synthesizers) for a completely original sound, which while remaining tied to tradition opens up with an international, contemporary and urban breath. It is the ancient meeting the modern with an original and explosive result. Kalascima are conquering audiences all over the world with their groove: in 2019 they opened Patty Smith's Italian concert in Taranto earning the attention and interest of the rock icon who praised their energy on stage, and their sound catapulted them onto the international world scene and led them to play in important festivals including the Jova Beach Party 2022.


Portuguese violinist and composer. His musical projects have been presented throughout Europe at various festivals, clubs and concert halls. His deep interest in classical music, jazz and world musics leads him to a constant curiosity and search for new sounds, styles, instruments and cultures. This fusion is clearly present in his



Ragnatela della Taranta continues Aug. 9 Ugento, Aug. 10 Sant'Andrea - marina di Melendugno, Aug. 11 Carpignano Salentino, Aug. 12 Nardò, Aug. 13 Galatone, Aug. 14 LECCE, Aug. 16 Zollino, Aug. 17 Galatina, Aug. 18 Castrignano de Greci, Aug. 19 Cutrofiano, Aug. 20 Aradeo for the first time included in the Festival, Aug. 21 Martignano, Aug. 22 Soleto, Aug. 23 Sternatia, Aug. 24 Martano, Aug. 26 CONCERTONE DI MEPIGNANO, Aug. 27 Galatina - Night of the Patrols. FREE ENTRANCE.

The theme of this 26th edition is IDENTITY, inspired by Italo Calvino, the writer whose centenary since his birth falls this year: "Identity is a bundle of divergent lines that find in the individual the point of interest," Calvino wrote in "Civilizations of Machines." A theme-world to interpret current reality that will be addressed in lectio magistralis by philosopher Umberto Galimberti guest in Martano on Aug. 24, by Tlon philosophers Maura Gancitano and Andrea Colamedici on Aug. 21 in Martignano, by criminal judge Maria Francesca Mariano on Aug. 19 in Cutrofiano, by journalist Marcello Veneziani on Aug. 23 in Sternatia, by theologian Vito Mancuso on Aug. 8 in Alessano, by writer Stefano Massini on Aug. 17 in Galatina, and by journalist and writer Angelo Mellone on Aug. 13 in Galatone.


Festival 2023 is dedicated to Luigi Chiriatti, the recently deceased artistic director, who worked until the end of his days on the Taranta Itinerante program.


The Itinerant Festival is a cultural project of the Notte della Taranta Foundation funded by REGIONE PUGLIA and PUGLIAPROMOZIONE with the contribution of Unione dei Comuni della Grecìa Salentina and the Ministry of Culture and the collaboration of the Diego Carpitella Institute. 

The Notte della Taranta Foundation would like to thank the Torre Guaceto Nature Reserve and the municipalities of Corigliano d'Otranto, Calimera, Sogliano Cavour, Nociglia, Racale, Cursi, Alessano, Ugento, Melendugno, Carpignano Salentino, Nardò, Galatone, Zollino, Galatina, Castrignano de' Greci, Cutrofiano, Aradeo, Martignano, Soleto, Sternatia, Martano, Melpignano and the city of Lecce.


Main Sponsor: DMJ - DE MARIANI Group


Official Carrier: SOUTH EAST Railways



Technical Partner: BUSFORFUN, APOS

Festival Notte della Taranta

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