The organization and reception of the disabled at the La Notte della Taranta Concert was excellent. This was certified by Federconsumatori Lecce, which monitored the area designated for the accessibility of the differently abled throughout the concert in Melpignano (LE).

“Through direct contact with guests we verified that the service offered by Abil Festa Coopertiva sociale L'Integrazione was perfectly responsive to the demand of families, explains provincial president Mario Lorubio. The users expressed appreciation for the areas granted and the quality of the organization of the spaces. Excellent is the final judgment.”

Accessibility to the place of popular culture has over the years become a primary goal for the La Notte della Taranta Foundation. To meet this major challenge, it was necessary to think of accessibility not as a condition, but as a process, which involved the physical structure of a suitable site within the concert area, communication, motivation, and full trust in the L'Integrazione Cooperative. It was a gradual but continuous journey through a multidisciplinary dialogue that highlighted the terms of the complexity of the functioning of needs in the search for physical, cognitive, perceptual and technological solutions that protected and enhanced the peculiarities of each user.

Users with disabilities booked the service through the interactive platform offered by the Foundation's official website www.lanottedellataranta.it.