It is exactly on the notes of a pizzica danced by Taranta dancers that this morning Accademia delle Belle Arti and La Notte della Taranta Foundation have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. In the hall of the Accademia headquarter, dancers have played a choreography among Ezechiele Leandro and Pintoretto’s artworks, and the choreography has reached the students’ lab too.

A path following dancing steps to underline the connection between music, ballet and Arts. La Notte della Taranta Doundation and Accademia di Belle Arti will work together for the whole year in order to realise an artistic project  that will be presented during the Concertone 2020.

The Memorandum of Understanding establishes what follows : a direct or indirect collaboration with regards to the participation in the field of international and European projects about issues of common interest; the promotion of stage, the realisation of scientific conferences, conventions and editorial activities; the activation of scholarships and the reciprocal participation to activities of research and workshops, always on the basis of shared projects; the study and realisation of events and exhibitions that start from the scientific research and simplify their results, even promoting relations with other entities at a local, national and international level, that can be addressed both to Accademia di Belle Arti and to La Notte della Taranta Foundation.

“ It is undoubtedly source of pride for La Notte della Taranta Foundation to be an active part of a collaboration I consider strategic to add value to music through Arts and promote the cultural offer of our territory” highlights the president Massimo Manera. “We have worked during the lockdown period to this memorandum that strengthens the already existing relations with the other local entities and open to new and ambitious horizons, thanks to the presence of a prestigious institutions like Accademia di Belle Arti.”

 “The memorandum of Understanding will be one of the strong points of the cultural scheduling of our Accademia” explains Luigi Puzzovio “and will allow researches and knowledge exchanges, in addition to a very important promotion for our entire region. I thank the president Massimo Manera for this important outcome and because even though unity was strength before the pandemic too, it exactly nowadays that moving together seems more powerful.”