Kicking off in Corigliano d’Otranto with the Orchestra Popolare.
Tributes to Domenico Modugno, Giovanni Marini, and Annabella Rossi.
Special closing in Martano with the young participants of the Matria 2 project.


The long journey of the Itinerant Festival The Night of the Taranta will start on August 3 from Corigliano d’Otranto and will cross 19 municipalities in Salento, with a final stop at the Concertone in Melpignano scheduled for August 24.
50 events for the festival that has established itself for its itinerant format: discovering the richness and beauty of the historic centers of Salento following the captivating rhythm of pizzica. A journey that includes 2 concerts per stop with 34 guest groups and 3 special concerts by the Orchestra Popolare Notte della Taranta. There will also be space for dance with the show Pizzica in Scena and 9 pizzica workshops that will engage the audience. The Festival will open in Corigliano d’Otranto with Taranta in Parade - The Ways of the Land of Remorse. Musicians and dancers will perform along the streets of the historic center, starting from the atrium of the Castello Volante.
"The itinerant festival represents an authentic laboratory of excellence where different forms of art meet," says Massimo Bray, president of the La Notte della Taranta Foundation. "A fundamental festival for the territories it crosses. It constitutes the perfect synthesis of our vision of culture: solid foundations anchored in the past and a constant projection into the future. A widespread festival capable of enhancing the cultural and artistic heritage of Salento, which is by nature welcoming and plural. A program that unfolds around the theme of responsibility involving artists, opinions, and expertise with original points of view. We resume the journey, stop by stop, of the knowledge of the revival groups and expand the offer on dance with many pizzica workshops that invite visitors to participate, forming those impromptu communities, a contemporary mirror of popular tradition."
The Ragnatela concerts start on August 3 in Corigliano d’Otranto with the Italo-Iberian duo Radizi. The stop will also host the Corpo di Ballo della Taranta and the Orchestra Popolare Notte della Taranta; August 4 in Calimera with I Trainieri and I Calanti; August 5 in Sogliano Cavour with Makaria and Scazzacatarante; August 6 in Cursi with Pino Ingrosso and Li Strittuli; August 7 in Zollino with I Tamburellisti di Otranto and Consuelo Alfieri; August 8 in Nardò with Tarantarneo and Officina Zoè; August 9 in Ugento with Ionica Popolare and the Orchestra Popolare Notte della Taranta; August 10 in Sant’Andrea - marina of Melendugno with Cesare Dell’Anna, Redi Hasa, Ekland Hasa, and Antonio Castrignanò & Taranta Sound; August 11 in Sternatia with Mino De Santis and Stella Grande; August 12 in Carpignano Salentino with Edoardo Zimba and Enzo Petrachi & Folkband; August 13 in Galatone with Carmen Greco and Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino & Inude Pulse; August 14 in Lecce with Arneo Tambourine Project by Giancarlo Paglialunga and Antonio Amato Ensemble; August 16 in Soleto with Antonio Smiriglia and Gli Sciacuddhuzzi; August 17 in Galatina with Orchestra Popolare and Corpo di Ballo La Notte della Taranta; August 18 in Castrignano de’ Greci with Nando Citarella & tamburi del Vesuvio and Salvatore Galeanda; August 19 in Alessano with Fonarà and Mascarimirì x 2; August 20 in Cutrofiano with Enza Pagliara and Kamafei; August 21 in Martignano with I Briganti di Terra d’Otranto and Alla Bua; August 22 in Martano with La Corale la nuova Provenza Terra Nostra Folk, Hysterrae, and Ashèblasta.
The show Pizzica in Scena is a journey of knowledge of Salento's dance. Curated by the Corpo di Ballo della Taranta, it explores the three choreutic movements linked to the rhythm of pizzica: tarantata, courtship, and scherma. The show will be presented in Galatina on August 17. Sharing and participation are the key words of the pizzica workshops scheduled in Corigliano d’Otranto on August 3, in Nardò on August 8, in Ugento on August 9, in Galatone on August 13, in Lecce on August 14, on August 16 in Soleto, on August 17 in Galatina, on August 18 in Cutrofiano, and on August 20 in Castrignano de Greci. The Balconate also return, dance performances from the balconies of the historic center of Soleto on August 16: at the end of the concerts scheduled at the stop, the audience will be invited to walk through the streets of the village in the middle of the night.
Each year the Festival addresses a theme that characterizes and runs through the entire edition. "It is the festival of heritage," says artistic coordinator Fabio Chiriatti, "or rather of responsibility. There is no doubt that the historical moment we are called to live is characterized by rapid social, cultural, and costume changes. Alongside changing ways and fashions, we witness the disappearance of masters, such as Giovanna Marini. For many years we have looked for fathers and mothers, now it is time to recognize ourselves in these roles, accepting responsibility towards the sons and daughters of Salento: going on stage with a revival repertoire linked to tradition is not just a moment of joy and singing, but carries the inevitable responsibility of saying. Singing is affirming."
On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of Annabella Rossi's death in Galatina on August 17, in Piazza Dante Alighieri in the former Convent of the Poor Clares, the presentation of the book Il Colpo di sole e altri scritti sul Salento published by Kurumuny is scheduled. The curator of the book, Vincenzo Esposito, Leandro Ventura, and Stefania Baldinotti from the Institute for Cultural and Intangible Heritage will participate.
On August 20 in Castrignano de’ Greci, Li Bellizzi, a concert show in which Enza Pagliara recounts the figure of Giovanna Marini, a recently deceased researcher, will take place. From pizziche to serenades, from stornelli to stisa songs, Li Bellizzi is a true generational confrontation. On stage will be musicians Michele Bianco, Dario Muci, Gianluca Longo, Giorgio Distante, Matteo Resta, and Cristian Martina, with Viola Centi in dance.
On August 6 in Cursi, in Piazza Pio XII, Pino Ingrosso will pay tribute to Domenico Modugno on the thirtieth anniversary of his death. The show, conceived and written with Salvatore Casaluce, covers the greatest hits of Mr. Volare, enriched with anecdotes, stories, and curiosities.
The second main topic of the Itinerant Festival is the minority languages present in Puglia: Griko, Arbëreshë, and Franco-Provençal.
The stop in Martano on August 22 will host the students who participated in the Matria 2 project – The languages of yesterday, today, and tomorrow of the Puglia Region in collaboration with Apulia Film Commission, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, and Fondazione La Notte della Taranta.
The protagonists are the Griko, Grecanic, and Franco-Provençal communities of Puglia and Southern Italy, while the Arbëreshë communities will be featured in the pre-concertone of Melpignano.
In Martano, Apulia Film Commission will present the three short films made by the involved young participants, directed by Vincenzo Ardito.
- A Story to Tell
Created with the students of I.I.S.S. Trinchese of Martano (Le) and involving the community of Grecìa Salentina.
A group of young people leaving high school on their bicycles find themselves living a real adventure, discovering unknown places and stories, searching for a treasure that turns out to be different but certainly more important than what they expected to find.
- Zzunna
Created with the students of the Comprehensive Institutes of Calimera, Cutrofiano, Martano, and Soleto, involving the community of Grecìa Salentina.
During a break from a Griko language lesson, a group leaves the classroom to undertake a journey into the future thanks to artificial intelligence, which turns out to be very different.
- A Special Taste
Created with the students of the "Catanoso - De Gasperi" Comprehensive Institute of Reggio Calabria.
Andrea and Elena, after a guided tour of the MARC - National Museum of Reggio Calabria, have an ice cream together. An ice cream with a new flavor and thanks to a precious encounter, they will learn about a story they did not know.
The three short films, with different styles and languages, aim to enhance minority languages, particularly Griko and Grecanic, and their communities.



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M 320 1497626

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Cecilia Leo
M 333 9287849

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